Thursday, January 1, 2009

News Years Day

Welcome to my blog. This blog is about my life. The good times-the bad times, what I think about, what is happening in my world, whatever or however I feel. What does my world consist of? My family, weird, wonderful, loving, and all the things a family is made up of. My business: I opened a small day spa nine months ago, will it make it or will it fail during this economic downturn? My daily government grunt job, my husband-yes I know he is part of my family, my dog and two cats, the small community that I live in, the trailer/cottage we have and just stuff. I hope you will find my blog to be amusing, informative, relating, or a place where you can be entertained. All my adult life people have told me that I should write a book, such a huge challenge, a blog…maybe I can handle. So, here we go, day one –

New Years Day 2009

It started with a headache from my shoulders going up the neck, stiff, sore and throbbing I felt miserable. Not the greatest way to start the New Year, but a couple of Advil and a lay-down dealt with it. We watched a week's worth of Martha Stewart much to the chagrin of my spouse, but hey, I watch his stuff so he should watch mine-right? Ok so he only watched some of the cooking segments, but he did make me breakfast and he is making dinner as I type this. I am lucky to have such a man. Truly!

I do not make resolutions at this time of year, I feel that I have enough pressure on me to succeed at any thing that I might want or try without the added noise from dissolving resolutions droning on in my head. Sure I would like to eat a healthier diet, exercise more, and lose weight but these are goals that I wake up with every morning. How about planning how I can reduce my carbon print on our earth? I try to do that every day also. Everyone should-there is way too much garbage in the world. Good topic for a blog.

What I would like to do is live this year with a stronger will to improve me; to become more committed to the tasks at hand, and really try not to focus on what I do not have but really truly appreciate what I do have. To plan this year; scheduling time for relaxation, time to enjoy my favourite things, and not so favourite (like keeping better track of the financials). Focus on the maintenance of ME—my mind, body and soul. To share my successes, failures and most importantly to remember to smile, every day, about something or someone that brings joy to my heart and soul and my life.

Be well,